The FUSION project is an international collaboration between 7 regions (China, Europe, India, Japan, Korea, Russia, US) to build and operate a nuclear fusion experiment that should demonstrate net energy production from fusion reactions for the first time, and investigate design and operation conditions for possible future fusion energy reactors. The project drew a.o. engineers, physicists, project managers, construction workers and administrators to the ITER worksite in the South of France and to many other offices and workshops around the world to work on the project. The FUSION project has known many delays, cost overruns, and debates about organisation and management strategies, making it an interesting case for the INSCONS project.
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Examples of questions we study
How do people with different disciplinary and professional backgrounds collaborate within the FUSION project?
How do the social dynamics within the FUSION project relate to the social dynamics within the wider scientific field the project is part of?
What is the impact of FUSION's choice for in-kind contributions on the (international) politics in and around the project?